How Have I Cheated Death? A Short and Merry Life with Cystic FibrosisHow to purchase a copy
Go to the relevant sites below or in the UK go to a WH SMITH, Waterstones or Foyles bookstore and give them my name, book title and this ISBN number (9781849637190). It’s also available via GARDNER’S, BERTRAM’S, AUSTINMACAULEY.COM, BLACKWELL’S, PLAY.COM, AMAZON.CO.UK AND AMAZON.COM. The book is available to buy in paperback, e-book (Kindle) and audio book formats.

Some amazing feedback on my CF book:
“A book that will make you laugh and cry and will make your own problems seem insignificant. Excellently written and deeply moving, A must read for everyone, not just those suffering from CF.”
“A wonderful tale of triumph, battle, faith and love, told with passion and humour, from a man who never gives up.”
“A truly inspiring, brave and deeply moving work. In a time when such words are too lightly bandied about, this is the real deal.”
“This book is a shining light and should be read by as many people as possible.”
Useful Links CF Trust: Austin Macauley (publisher): Lucy Watson CF Health & Wellbeing blog:
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